We used the SenseHat and students figured out how to change the LED colors that scrolled across the screen on their own. They also made emoji's and waving flags. One group used the humidity sensor and changed LED colors. We started with the ExplorerHat and we showed them where to get the information on using it. It was fun to see how well they were engaged in learning. I wasn't sure if we would get any students especially since it's Homecoming week at the local high school and they have activities every day after school. Our group was smaller for sure but we still had a friend from each group attend, which I am grateful for because they will share their knowledge. It's fun to see students engaged in learning.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
After school Pi was busy again today. Many brought friends who didn't come last week and many caught on faster than before. I watched as a young girl whose partner last week didn't come until later in the class succeed at using the pi by herself. When her "partner" from last week came she asked her if she wanted to join her again. The high school girl did and it was fun to watch the younger girl bring the high school girl up to speed. I smiled as those who are familiar to the coding branched out on their own and found the games on the raspberry pi. We added the camera module and everyone had success taking pictures with their pi. We added effects and showed how to do a camera loop. We discussed different ways to add and create buttons. Buttons were difficult but the majority finally had their buttons working in the end. Next week-Action!!!
SUCCESS-MANY understood variables and I noticed their coding was not like the example. They made their own variables and remembered to insert it to make their program work.
SUCCESS-THEY retained boot up and setup directions for the Raspberry Pi.
SUCCESS-AFTER a short reminder they rembered how to open and run their programs.
SUCCESS-THEY brought more friends over, we had 1.5 times more participants.
SUCCESS-POSITIVE role models from older people to younger people. One High School girl was overheard telling a 4th grade girl, "You keep this up and you are going to be a great programmer."
Thursday, September 7, 2017