I'm currently not working at the library, but I am continuing my learning at home with the raspberry pi. The pi has become a comfort to me. Seriously. My boy has had a few seizures. They all have happened at night. They have been few and far between, but I started thinking that perhaps he has more seizures than we realize. I decided it would be best to monitor him at night and see. With my pi and a little searching I found how to video at night, so I could watch him when I was coherent and awake. I did a trial run last night. I have a few more tweaks to do on placement and setup, but I know it is possible to use the pi for what I need. That's exactly why I love the pi, it is so versatile that people can use it to create what they need in their lives, it helps us get through challenges in life. The pi is a vital instrument to raising my family. I can clearly communicate with doctors if the seizures are sporadic and far between, or if they are happening often. I didn't have to spend a lot of money either for a camera to monitor my child. (Which with me not working at this time was another blessing). Thanks Picademy right now you are helping me with my family at home! The pi is giving me a little comfort in a hard situation!!!